Оригинальные и переводные издания на русском языке, выпущенные в России в дореволюционный и советский период

Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation

Автор: Darby W. J.
Год выпуска: 1965
Издательство: WHO
Город: Geneva
Страниц: 57

This report contains the collective views of an international group of experts and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the World Health Organization.

Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation

1. Nutrition in pregnancy……………………………………….. 6
1.1 Physiological adjustments during pregnancy………………… 6
1.2 Diets of pregnant women…………………………………. 9
1.3 Diet as a factor that may influence the course and outcomeof pregnancy……………………………………………. 12
1.4 The course and outcome of pregnancy……………………… 12
1.5 Weight gain during pregnancy……………………………. 19
1.6 Adult body size in relation to pregnancy…………………. 22
2. Nutrition in lactation……………………………………24
2.1 Physiological adjustments during lactation……………….. 24
2.2 Efficiency of milk production…………………………… 25
2.3 Lactation in relation to growth and health of infants … 26
2.4 Effects of lactation on maternal health………………….. 29
2.5 Diets of lactating women……………………………….. 30
3. Nutritional requirements during pregnancy and lactation…………. 31
3.1 General introduction…………………………………… 31
3.2 Physiological cost of pregnancy…………………………. 31
3.3 Physiological cost of lactation…………………………. 34
3.4 Practical considerations……………………………….. 35
4. Implications for public health programmes……………………… 39
5. Recommendations for research……………………………….. 42
Annex 1 : Summary of reported diets of pregnant women……………. 46
Annex 2 : Recommended allowances for pregnancy and lactation proposed by various authorities……………………………………. 50

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