Оригинальные и переводные издания на русском языке, выпущенные в России в дореволюционный и советский период

Optimal Care in Childbirth

Авторы: Goer H., Romano A.
Год выпуска: 2012
Издательство: Pinter & Martin Ltd.
Страниц: 586

What practices and policies best promote safe, healthy, satisfying labor and birth? What harms do routine or frequent use of tests, procedures, and restrictions introduce? What nonmedical factors drive the current maternity care system? Meticulously documented, Optimal Care in Childbirth: The Case for a Physiologic Approach pulls back the curtain on medical-model management of childbirth. «This should be a text book for everyone in maternity care!» — Penny Simkin, Co-author of the Labor Progress Handbook. «This long awaited book is a marvel. It is a ‘must have’ resource not just for childbirth educators, nurses, obstetricians, and women, but for hospital administrators, insurance companies, and policy makers.» — Judith Lothian, PhD, RN. «Goer & Romano have given the maternity care community a gift in their robust examination and synthesis of the evidence supporting best ways to achieve optimal, physiologic birth for women and infants.» — Holly Powell Kennedy, PhD, CNM, Varney Professor of Midwifery, Yale School of Nursing. «Optimal Care in Childbirth is a long overdue and very important contribution that will lead to a more safe, sane, and satisfying pregnancy care system.» — Steve Calvin, MD, MFM, Co-chair, Human Rights and Health Program, University of Minnesota School of Public Health.

Optimal Care in Childbirth

Section I: Introduction Chapter 1: Why This Book? The Failure of Obstetric Management Chapter 2: Why This Book? The Failure of Obstetric Research Chapter 3: About This Book: The Nuts and Bolts Section II: The Cesarean Epidemic Chapter 4: The Chase to the Cut Chapter 5: The Case Against Liberal Use of Cesarean Surgery Chapter 6: The Case Against Elective Repeat Cesarean Section III: Optimal Care for Initiating Labor Chapter 7: Inducing Labor: Patience Is a Virtue Section IV: Optimal Care for Promoting Labor Progress Chapter 8: Promoting Progress in First-Stage Labor: Yes We Can Chapter 9: Augmentation: Forced Labor Section V: Optimal Care for Guarding Safety and Wellbeing in Labor Chapter 10: Electronic Fetal Monitoring (Cardiotocography): Minding the Baby Chapter 11: Routine IVs Versus Oral Intake in Labor: «Water, Water Everywhere, Nor Any Drop to Drink» Chapter 12: Epidurals and Combined Spinal-Epidurals: The «Cadillacs» of Analgesia Section VI: Optimal Care for Birthing the Baby Chapter 13: Second-Stage Labor: Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way? Chapter 14: Instrumental Vaginal Delivery and Fundal Pressure: When Push Comes to Pull — or Shove Chapter 15: Episiotomy: The Unkindest Cut Section VII: Optimal Care for After the Birth Chapter 16: Third-Stage Labor Active Management: The Wrong Answer to the Right Question Chapter 17: Newborn Practices: Don’t Just Do Something; Sit There! Section VIII: Optimal Practice for a Maternity Care System Chapter 18: Supportive Care in Labor: Mothering the Mother Versus Serving the Doctor Chapter 19: Midwife-Led Care: Organizing an Optimal Maternity Care System Chapter 20: The Place of Birth: Birth Homes Chapter 21: The Place of Birth: Home Births Appendices Index About the Authors

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