Оригинальные и переводные издания на русском языке, выпущенные в России в дореволюционный и советский период

Medical Disorders in Obstetric Practice

Swiet M.
Год выпуска: 2002
Издательство: Blackwell Science
Издание: 4
Страниц: 624

Obstetricians must have a firm grounding in the diagnosis and management of diseases affecting pregnant women as in some cases these may threaten the life of mother or baby or both. This book still remains the standard reference work on medical disorders in obstetric practice in the UK and UK–influenced areas such as the former Commonwealth. Exhaustive in its coverage, it provides clear practical advice on the major medical disorders the obstetrician is likely to encounter. Each chapter reviews the pathophysiology of a complaint then applies the physiological and pathophysiological changes to the problem of diagnosis and management of the disorder as well as giving clear guidance on the welfare of the unborn One of the major strengths of the book is that each chapter teaches the principles of care and gives an appreciation of the natural history of the disease rather than just the facts. Although a scholarly and rigourous account it manages to point out the clinically relevant information that the practising obstetrician will actually need.

Medical Disorders in Obstetric Practice_Michael de Swiet_2002

List of contributors, v Preface to the fourth edition, vii Preface to the first edition, viii
Diseases of the respiratory system, 1
Michael de Swiet
Blood volume, haematinics, anaemia, 29
Elizabeth A. Letsky
Coagulation defects, 61
Elizabeth A. Letsky
Thromboembolism, 97
Michael de Swiet
Heart disease in pregnancy, 125
Michael de Swiet
Hypertension, 159
Christopher W. G. Redman
Renal disease, 198
John Davison & Christine Baylis
Antiphospholipid syndrome, systemic
lupus erythematosus and other
connective tissue diseases, 267
Michael de Swiet
Disorders of the liver, biliary system and pancreas, 282 Elizabeth A. Fagan
Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, 346
Elizabeth A. Fagan Diabetes, 386 Michael Maresh
12 Thyroid disease and pregnancy, 415 Joanna Girling
13 Diseases of the pituitary and adrenal gland, 439
Michael de Swiet
14 Bone disease, disease of the parathyroid glands and some other metabolic disorders, 459
Barry N.J. Walters & Michael de Swiet
15 Neurological disorders, 486 James O. Donaldson
16 Fever and non-viral infectious diseases, 501
Geoffrey L, Ridgway
17 Viral infections in pregnancy, 513 Jangu E. Banatvala
18 HIV infection, 532
Frank D, Johnstone, Laurent Mandelbrot & Marie-Louise Newell
19 Substance abuse, 557 Michael de Swiet
20 Skin diseases in pregnancy, 566 Samantha Vaughan Jones & Martin M. Black
21 Psychiatry in pregnancy, 578 Peter F. Liddle & Margaret R. Oates
Index, 593

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