Оригинальные и переводные издания на русском языке, выпущенные в России в дореволюционный и советский период

Obstetric evidence based guidelines

Автор: Berghella V.
Год выпуска: 2016
Издательство: CRC Press

This new edition of an acclaimed text reviews the evidence for best practice in obstetric medicine, to present the reader with the right information, with appropriate use of proven interventions and avoidance of ineffectual or harmful ones, and by rating the evidence of the key references. The information is presented in the right format by summarizing evidence succinctly and clearly in tables and algorithms. The aim is to inform the clinician, to reduce errors and «to make it easy to do it right.»

Obstetric evidence based guidelines 3ed

Preconception care. Prenatal care. Physiologic changes. Ultrasound. Prenatal diagnosis and screening for aneuploidy. Carrier screening for inherited genetic conditions. Before labor and first stage of labor. Second stage of labor. Third stage of labor. Intrapartum fetal monitoring. Analgesia and anesthesia. Operative vaginal delivery. Cesarean delivery. Trial of labor after caesarean delivery. Early Recurrent pregnancy loss. Early pregnancy loss. Preterm birth prevention in asymptomatic women. Preterm labor. Preterm premature rupture of membranes. Premature rupture of membranes at or near term. Induction of labor. Intraamniotic infection. Meconium. Malpresentation and malposition. Shoulder dystocia. Postpartum hemorrhage, retained placenta, and uterine inversion. Late-term and postterm pregnancies. Placental disorders. Abruptio placentae. Postpartum care. The neonate. The adnexal mass. Cervical cancer screening and management in pregnancy.

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