Practical Gynaecological Ultrasound
Chapter 1 1
Principles of Equipment Selection Tony Evans
Introduction 3
Spatial Resolution 3
Axial Resolution 4
Lateral Resolution 5
Slice Thickness 6
Temporal Resolution 6
Penetration 7
Contrast Resolution 8
Probe Shape and Size 8
Transabdominal Imaging 8
Transvaginal Imaging 10
Scanning Ergonomics 10
Operating Modes 10
CW Doppler 11
Pulsed Doppler 11
Colour Flow Doppler 11
Power Doppler 12
Safety 12
Ultrasonic Safety 13
Electrical Safety 13
Microbiological Safety 14
Mechanical Safety 14
Chapter 2 17
Practical Equipment Operation and Technique Jane Bates
Practical Approach to Image Optimisation 17
Choice of Approach 17
Transabdominal Scanning (TA) 17
Preparation 17
Transabdominal Technique 18
Image Orientation 19
Transvaginal Scanning (TV) 21
Acceptability to the Patient 21
Transvaginal Technique 21
Image Orientation 24
Doppler Techniques 24
Additional Techniques 26
Image Recording 27
The Role of the Sonographer 27
Chapter 3 31
Anatomy, Physiology and Ultrasound Appearances Rosemary Lee, Jane Bates
Introduction 33
Uterus 33
Uterine Anomalies 35
Ovaries 36
Fallopian Tubes 38
Peritoneum and Ligaments 39
Vasculature 40
Musculature 42
Bladder and Ureters 42
Anatomical Changes Related to Age 44
Physiology of Reproduction 44
Haemodynamics of the Uterus and Ovaries and the Use of Doppler Ultrasound 48
Doppler of Uterine Arteries 48
Doppler of Ovarian Arteries 49
Chapter 4 55
Pathology of the Uterus, Cervix and Vagina Heather Andrews
Introduction 57
The Uterus 57
Fibroids (Leiomyomata) 57
Malignant Change 63
Uterine Sarcoma 63
Other Uterine Tumours 63
Endometrial Disease 63
The Post-Menopausal Uterus 64
Endometrial Hyperplasia 64
Endometrial Polyp 65
Medications 66
Oral Contraceptive Pill 66
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) 66
Tamoxifen 66
Endometrial Carcinoma 67
Endometritis 71
Uterine Surgery 72
Hysterectomy 72
Transcervical Resection of the Endometrium (TCRE) 72
Caesarean Section 72
Asherman’s Syndrome 73
Intrauterine Contraceptive Device 74
The Cervix 76
Benign Conditions 76
Nabothian Cysts 76
Cervical Fibroid 76
Cervical Polyp 77
Cervical Carcinoma
Cervical Stenosis 79
The Vagina 80
Vaginal Fluid Collections 80
Haematocolpos 80
Gartner’s Duct Cyst 82
Vaginal Tumours 82
Chapter 5 85
Pathology of Ovaries, Tubes and Adnexae, and Non-Gynaecological Pelvic Pathology Louise Gaunt
Introduction 87
Clinical Presentation 87
Clinical Presentations of Ovarian Disease 87
Examination Technique 87
Benign Physiological Cysts 88
Follicular Cysts 88
Corpus Luteal Cysts 88
Benign Ovarian Lesions of Mixed Echogenicity 89
Mucinous Cystadenoma 89
Serous Cystadenoma 90
Ovarian Teratoma/Dermoid 91
Benign Solid Ovarian Tumours 92
Benign Solid Ovarian Tumours
Granulosa Cell Tumour 92
Fibroma of the Ovary 92
Brenner Tumour 93
Ovarian Malignancy 93
Familial Ovarian Cancer 94
Ultrasound Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer 94
CA 125 96
Ovarian Morphology 96
Blood Flow Assessment with Colour Flow and Pulsed Wave Doppler 97
Pre-Operative Assessment of Ovarian Lesions 98
Post-Menopausal Patients 99
Polycystic Ovaries
Endometriosis 101
How does Endometriosis Occur? 101
Clinical Presentations 102
Does Imaging have Anything else to Offer? 103
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) 104
Diseases of the Fallopian Tubes 104
Hydrosalpinx 106
Chronically Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy 106
Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tubes 106
Pelvic Manifestations of Non-Gynaecological Disease 106
Intervention in Ovarian Pathology Aspiration 106
Chapter 6 109
The Role of Ultrasound in Gynaecological Screening Michael Weston
Introduction 111
Screening for Ovarian Cancer 111
Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer 111
Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer 111
Screening Tests 112
Ultrasound Screening Studies 113
Screening for Endometrial Cancer 118
Screening for Endometrial Cancer 118
Introduction 118
Symptomatic Studies 119
Screening Studies 120
Chapter 7 123
The Use of Ultrasound in Acute Pelvic Pain
Delia Martinez
Introduction 125
Technique 125
Acute Pelvic Pain in the Non-Pregnant Patient 126
Gynaecological 126
Gastro-Intestinal Tract 131
Urinary Tract 132
Post-Operative Patient 132
Acute Pelvic Pain in the Pregnant Patient 135
Pain Directly Related to Pregnancy 135
Pain not Related Directly to Pregnancy 139
Chapter 8 143
Ultrasound in Infertility
Jeanette Ctewes, Josephine Swallow
Introduction 145
Historical Development of Ultrasound in Infertility 145
The Normal Spontaneous Menstrual Cycle 146
The Follicular Phase 146
The Ovulatory Phase 146
The Post Ovulatory or Luteal Phase 146
The Sub-Fertile Couple 146
Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Infertility 150
Endometriosis 151
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) 152
Ovulation Disorders 153
Polycystic Ovaries 153
Luteinised Unruptured Follicle Syndrome 153
Other Causes of Anovulation 154
Other Causes of Anovulation
Ultrasound in the Treatment of Infertility 154
Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) 154
Gonadotrophin Therapy 155
Assisted Conception Techniques 156
Problems Arising from Assisted Conception 158
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) 159
Guidelines and Legislation 160
Chapter 9 161
Paediatric Gynaecological Ultrasound David RM Lindsell
Introduction 163
Ultrasound Technique 163
Normal Anatomy 163
Neonates and Young Infants 163
Premenarchal Girls 163
Puberty 164
Follicular Development 164
Neonatal Ovarian Cysts 164
Other Neonatal Abnormalities 165
Hydro or Hydrometrocolpos 165
Ambiguous Genitalia 166
Abnormalities in Premenarchal Girls 166
Precocious Puberty 166
Gynaecological Pelvic Masses in Premenarchal Girls 167
Ovarian Tumours 167
Vaginal/Uterine Tumours 169
Ovarian Torsion 169
Vaginal Discharge 169
Ultrasound Imaging of Adolescent Gynaecological Problems 170
Delayed Puberty 170
Genital Tract Obstruction 170
Gonadal Dysgenesis 171
Testicular Feminisation 171
Testicular Feminisation 171
Polycystic Ovaries in Childhood 171
Secondary Amenorrhoea 172
Congenital Abnormalities of the Uterus 172
Pelvic Masses in Adolescent Girls 172
Pelvic Pain 172
Associated Renal Tract Abnormalities 172
Chapter 10 175
Management of Patients: The Gynaecologist’s Perspective Sean Duffy, Chris Kremer
Introduction 177
Non-Pregnancy Related Gynaecological Conditions 177
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 177
Pre-Menopausal Patients
Post-Menopausal Patients 178
Post-Menopausal Bleeding and Tamoxifen 179
Fibroids and Polyps 180
Pelvic Masses and Gynaecological Cancer 181
Malignant Ovarian Lesions 181
Benign Lesions 181
Ovarian Screening 182
Cervical Cancer 182
Infertility 182
Investigation of the Infertile Couple 182
Monitoring of Assisted Conception 182
The Acute Pelvis 183
Pregnancy Related Gynaecological Conditions 184
Ectopic Pregnancy 184
Miscarriage 185
The Future 185